Nay Myo Set Lu (1994, Dawei) was born to a family that runs bookstores and was introduced to several different forms of literature since a young age. He started his literature journey with poetry. He became familiar with not only literature and poetry but also with film and music. The golden area of contemporary art that came along with the political changes after 2012 election, was an important part in Nay Myo Set Lu’s art and literature career. In 2013, he kickstarted Fish Tank Poetry, a digital poetry channel, which created poetry videos and collaborated with photographers. From 2016 to 2020, he worked as a copywriter in advertising agencies became familiar with the production of moving images. In 2019, he won a grant from Facebook in a campaign called “Word Therapy”, together with visual artist,Thee Oo Thazin. They created 6 short graphic stories focusing on hate speech on social media. In 2021, Nay Myo Set Lu co-founded an organization called “NanYan Visual House” that produces merchandise products with the works of Myanmar artists. NanYan focuses on supporting the artistic community in Myanmar. Nay Myo Set Lu has published 3 books; two poetries and one short stories and he also published another one with his fellow authors. He founded and is running a publishing house called “Fish Tank” and a record label called “Vacuum”. In 2023, he produced Maung Day’s very first short film “On Veranda, In Flower”, collaborating with Tagu Films. His latest producing work is a short film project “All Is Smoke in the End” which was selected Purin Pictures’ Short Film Camp 2023 and awarded as a Runner Up project to receive an invitation to Platform Busan 2024.